Adelaide Hills Wine Guide 2025

now known as Tapanappa; and Lenswood, where the likes of Geoff Weaver, Tim Knappstein, and the Henschke family planted their Hills vineyards in the early 1980s. Since then, these two districts have established enviable reputations as sources of the finest quality Chardonnay and Pinot Noir fruit for elite table and traditional method Sparkling wines. As their star quality rose to prominence, the more immediately popular Sauvignon Blanc also raised the public profile of the Hills. In the past decade, Pinot Grigio/Gris has assumed an almost equal role as a favourite white companion. Over the short history of the region, which in many ways has released it from more traditional wine industry anchors, there also has emerged a progressive and experimental mindset encouraging the propagation of what once were called ‘alternative’ or ‘emerging’ varieties but now are an accepted part of the Hills’ dynamic multiculturism.

Adelaide Hills. Photo: John Kruger

South Australia 2024


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